Who we are
The Mediävistikverband (Medievalists’ Society) was founded in 1983 with the aim of providing a forum for all disciplines concerned with the Middle Ages. Through its focus on co-operative interdisciplinary work, it hopes to achieve a better understanding of this period and its culture. Today the Mediävistikverband is the largest society of medievalists in Germany with over 1,000 members from different countries representing a broad range of subjects that ranges from archaeology to theology. In 2025, the association was renamed from Mediävistenverband to Mediävistikverband.
Aims and objectives
The society provides an institutional framework which enables interdisciplinary discussion taking into account theoretical approaches as well as the methodology specific to individual subjects.
We attach a high priority to voicing and supporting the interests of young academics: the society provides a forum for all academic concerns of Medieval Studies and issues of higher education policy. Through these efforts, the society aims to support and secure the position of Medieval Studies both in research and university teaching. The Mediävistikverband provides a board of information for scholars, public media and members of the public interested in the Middle Ages.
Doctoral Dissertation Prize
Representing more than 1,000 members from a wide variety of disciplines, the Mediävistikverband awards a prize for an outstanding doctoral dissertation in the field of Medieval Studies. Every second year the prize of 2,000 Euros is presented at a ceremony during the conference of the Mediävistikverband.
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Regular activities
Every two years the Mediävistikverband organizes an academic congress which is intended as a platform to facilitate and promote interdisciplinary discussion.
The 19th Symposium “Normen und Ideale” will take place at Würzburg (05-08 March 2023). You’ll find the Call for Papers here!
The Mediävistikverband’s first interdisciplinary academic congress was held in 1983 and since then the congresses have dealt with topics such as “Medieval reception of Antiquity”, “Feasts and Feasting”, “Rhythm and Seasons”, “Middle Ages and Modern Times”, “The Arts in the Middle Ages”, “Charlemagne and the Heritage of Cultures”, “Nature in the Middle Ages” or “Abraham’s Legacy – Competition, Conflict, and Coexistence in the Middle Ages”.
All members receive the journal Das Mittelalter which is published twice a year. Read more about the journal here.
Find out about membership benefits, or fill out the form to become a member, here.
For more information or questions about the Mediävistikverband please fill in our short web form below or contact the President (Präsidentin).
Prof. Dr. Regina Toepfer
Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
Institut für Deutsche Philologie
Am Hubland
D-97074 Würzburg
Tel: +49 931 31 83609
Mail praesid@mediaevistenverband.de