First Cusanus International Symposium of Young Researchers
Dieses internationale Symposion findet vom 31.10. bis 02.11.2013 in Buenos Aires, Argentinien statt.
Nicholas of Cusa (1401-1464) has defined the maximal doctrine of ignorance as a symbolic way of investigation, through which he tries to reach an understanding of the incomprehensible in an incomprehensible manner. On the basis of this open and multiple perspective, Cusanus has elaborated theological, philosophical, anthropological, ethical and political questions with great originality and depth. Symbols, images, metaphors and/or enigmas, whose strength consists in turning visible what is invisible, concur as guides or orientations in his inquiries, most of them assimilated from the tradition he inherits.
Considering the centrality of the symbolic dimension in Nicholas of Cusa s´ thought and the effect that it has caused in Modern and Contemporary Philosophy, we invite you to participate in the First Cusanus International Symposium of Young Researchers. The invitation is adressed not only to those who frequent Nicholas of Cusaʼ s work, but also to other researchers who, on the basis of their own philosophical work, wish to contribute to a fecund interchange, concerning the sources, the originality, and the projection of the symbolical dimension of Nicholas of Cusaʼ s thought.
We would be very grateful if the groups, researchers, or students interested could send us the title of their paper and a short summary (200 words maximal) written in English before the 30th April, 2013.
The students who wish to participate on their own have to present also a copy their degree and an extended summary (600 words maximal) before the 30th May, 2013.
In every case, please specify: name, title, institution and email. The official languages of the Symposium are: Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, French, English and German.
The papersʼ titles and summaries should be sent to:
I Symposio Cusano Internacional de Jovenes Investigadores
Sección de Filosofía Medieval
Instituto de Filosofía
Dr. Alejandro Korn
Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Puán 480, Piso 4º, of. 436 (1406)
Buenos Aires
Sie können den Call for Papers hier als .pdf herunterladen.